Bilateral Meetings
- (1:00p.m. - 4:00p.m.)

DescriptionAko tražite pouzdanog lokalnog partnera, incoming turoperatora za Srbiju i Balkan/Jugoistočnu Evropu sa velikim iskustvom i znanjem u organizovanju tematskih tura za različite tipove klijenata – na pravom ste mestu. Nudimo i neke od popularnijih redovnih i privatnih tura iz Novog Sada i Beograda i transfere sopstvenim vozilima: mini busevi od 8-30 mesta.--------If you are looking for a reliable local partner, an incoming tour operator for Serbia and the Balkans/Southeastern Europe with extensive experience and knowledge in organizing thematic tours for different types of clients - you are in the right place. We also offer some of the more popular regular and private tours from Novi Sad and Belgrade and transfers with our own vehicles: minibusses with 8-30 seats.
Organization Type
CityNovi Sad, Nikole Pašića 7 Google map